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Number Description Action Date Disposition
Res. 94-021 Authorization and definitions; jurisdiction of the tribal court; law to be applied by the tribal court; judges of the tribal court; clerk of tribal court; records of the tribal court; rules of the tribal court; practice before the tribal court; tribal court of appeals 6/21/1994 Codified
Res. 94-017 6/7/1994 Codified
Res. 94-006 Membership and enrollment committee 2/1/1994 Codified
Res. 93-025 Snow Mountain Reservation golf course project 11/30/1993 Codified
Res. 93-020 Underground water and wells 1993 Codified
Res. 93-007 1993 Codified
Res. 92-025 11/19/1992 Codified
Res. 92-011 Sales and use taxes 3/10/1992 Codified
Res. 92-007 2/11/1992 Codified
Res. LV-88-153 Codified
Res. LV81-1 Tribal election committee; special elections; registration of voters; nominations for tribal council; elections 1/16/1981 Codified
Res. 10-27-77B General provisions; complaints and initiation of prosecution; arrests, summons, and citations; searches and seizures; procedure before trial; trials; procedure after a verdict or after trial; general provisions; attempt, conspiracy, and solicitation; offenses involving danger to the person; offenses against property; offenses against the family; offenses against the administration of government; offenses against public order and decency; defenses; classes of offenses and sentences; evidence; definitions; admissibility in general; witnesses; evidence excluded for policy reasons; statements by persons not present – the hearsay rule; privileges to exclude evidence; domestic relations; marriage; Indian custom marriage and divorce; rights of husband and wife; void marriages; annulment; dissolution of marriage; custody and support of children; determination of parenthood; adoption of minor children; adoption of adults; guardianship; juvenile proceedings; jurisdiction; definitions; complaints of delinquency and dependency; petitions of delinquency or dependency; hearings upon petitions of delinquency or dependency; dispositions of cases after findings of delinquency or dependency; proceedings and records of juvenile court; termination of parental rights; use of professional services by the juvenile court; facilities for custody or detention of children; school attendance; taxation; tobacco excise tax and tribal tobacco outlets; elections; authorization, purpose and applicability; tribal election committee; regular elections; special elections; registration of voters; nominations for tribal council; preparation for elections; absentee ballots; elections; counting of ballots; challenges of election outcome 10/27/1977 Codified
Res. 7/5/77A 7/5/1977 Codified
Prior Code Codified