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- Description
- Jurisdiction; duties imposed by this title; enforcement procedures; trial of traffic offenders; punishment of traffic offenders; traffic offenses; other traffic-related offenses; driver licensing; registration of vehicles; off-road vehicles; bicycles; civil remedial forfeiture; authorization and definitions; application; general provisions; civil remedial money penalties; civil remedial forfeiture of property
- Disposition
- Adoption Date
- 7/5/1994
- Affecting
7.10.010, Jurisdiction
7.10.020, Power to regulate
7.10.030, Definitions
7.20.010, Duties and authority of traffic officers
7.20.020, Duties of drivers and owners
7.30.010, Citations
7.30.020, Fines
7.30.030, Hearings
7.30.040, Failure to comply
7.30.050, Immediate arrest
7.30.060, Bail
7.40.010, Trial of traffice offenders
7.50.010, Fine schedule
7.50.020, Suspension of license or privilege to drive upon Reservation
7.60.010, Depositing matter upon road
7.60.020, Reckless driving
7.60.030, Speeding
7.60.040, Driving on the wrong side of the road
7.60.050, Unlawful passing
7.60.060, Failure to signal
7.60.070, Improper U-turns
7.60.080, Failure to yield right-of-way
7.60.090, Failure to yield right-of-way to emergency vehicles
7.60.100, Improper passing of a school bus
7.60.110, Failure to obey traffic control devices
7.60.120, Operation of unsafe vehicles
7.60.130, Equipment violations
7.60.140, Joy riding
7.60.150, Negligent injury to animals on the road
7.60.160, Following too closely
7.60.170, Leaving the scene of an accident
7.60.180, Registration offenses
7.60.190, Driver’s license offenses
7.70.010, Driving under the influence of alcohol
7.70.020, Drinking alcoholic beverages or consuming marijuana in a motor vehicle
7.70.030, Driving under the influence of drugs
7.80.010, General driver’s license
7.80.020, Special driver’s license
7.80.030, Driver’s license applications
7.80.040, Driver’s license form
7.80.050, Driver’s license recordkeeping
7.80.060, Grounds for refusing a driver’s license
7.80.070, Driver’s license fees
7.80.080, Regulations
7.90.010, Application for registration
7.90.020, Contents of certificate of registration
7.90.030, Registration recordkeeping
7.90.040, Registration plates or tags
7.90.050, Registration of vehicles
7.90.060, Regulations
7.100.010, Applicability of this title to off-road vehicles
7.100.020, Regulations for off-road vehicles
7.100.030, Restricted areas
7.100.040, Permitted use areas
7.100.050, Exemption for vehicle operation on private land
7.110.010, Operation of bicycles
7.110.020, Special rules for operation of bicycles
7.110.030, Equipment
7.110.040, Duty to exercise reasonable care
7.110.050, Duty to obey traffic control devices
Title 8, Civil Remedial Forfeiture
8.10.010, Purpose and authority
8.10.020, Definitions
8.20.010, Tribal law affected
8.20.020, Application to non-Indians
8.20.030, Property used in commission of crime
8.20.040, Parties to a violation
8.30.010, Jurisdiction
8.30.020, Party plaintiff
8.30.030, Effective date
8.30.040, Implied consent
8.30.050, Severability
8.30.060, Additional remedies
8.40.010, Institution of proceedings – Citation
8.40.020, Notice to alleged violator – Jurisdiction
8.40.030, Citation contents
8.40.040, Stipulation of default – Deposit
8.40.050, Burden of proof
8.40.060, Default
8.40.070, Judgment
8.40.080, Amount of penalty
8.40.090, Enforcement of judgment
8.40.100, Monies tendered to the Tribal Court
8.50.010, Institution of proceedings – Complaint
8.50.020, Contents of complaint
8.50.030, Service of complaint
8.50.040, Seizure of property without order
8.50.050, Seizure of property with order
8.50.060, Bond for property seized
8.50.070, Hearing – Time
8.50.080, Hearing procedure
8.50.090, Order to seize
8.50.100, Contents of an order to seize
8.50.110, Service of order to seize
8.50.120, Existence of security interest in seized property
8.50.130, Trial
8.50.140, Sale of forfeited property
8.50.150, Sale of perishable property
8.50.160, Effect on seizure of evidence